Asterisk, and other worldly endeavours.

A blog by Leif Madsen

Posts Tagged ‘git

Integration Testing Using Jenkins (Part 1)

So for the last week or so, I’ve been tasked at CoreDial with adding our own set of integration testing now that we’re moving to a more formal deployment method using chef. After much pestering of questions to thehar of Lookout Mobile Security and with help of Google, #chef and jhansche in #jenkins I’ve finally got a nice clean proof of concept that we can evaluate and likely deploy.

I’ll come back later with another article on my installation issues with jenkins and the solutions that I solved (nothing too terribly complicated), but what I wanted to blog about was the two types of tests that I’ve been focusing on and was able to finally solve.

First, I wanted to simply get a working test going in jenkins since I’d never used it before and needed a minimum viable product to look at. Based on a recommendation from thehar a couple weeks ago, I looked at foodcritic, got that working, and with their instructions, was able to get that integrated for my first automated test in jenkins.

The main problem I had was really getting an environment path variable set so that I could execute a ruby shell (#!/usr/bin/env rvm-shell 1.9.3, in the foodcritic instructions). After some searching, I came across a hint (sorry, I’ve misplaced the link) that stated I needed to add source /etc/profile to the bottom of my /etc/default/jenkins file, which worked marvellously to get the command I was trying to run to go. (Note that I installed on Ubuntu 12.04 for this test.)

(Prior to that, I installed rvm and then ran the multi-user instructions to get ruby 1.9.3 installed. I also installed foodcritic via gem install foodcritic which depends on ruby 1.9.2+.)

Having created my first job, I filled in the Git information to connect to my git server. I ran into a few issues there, and needed to create a new .ssh directory in /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/ (/var/lib/jenkins is the $HOME directory of jenkins). I then placed the appropriate authentication keys in the directory, but was still having issues with connecting to the server. It ended up being that I needed to add a config file to the .ssh directory with the following contents:

Host coredial-git
  User git
  IdentityFile /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa.key
  StrictHostKeyChecking no

After adding this, then I could set the repository URL to git@coredial-git:chef-repo.git and the branch specifier to something like */feature/ENG-* in order to test all our engineering testing branches. I then setup Poll SCM with polling schedule */5 * * * * (I set to */1 at first for testing, and will likely increase this further, or add a post-commit hook to git.)

The actual command I’m running in the Execute Shell section looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env rvm-shell 1.9.3
foodcritic -f any site-cookbooks/my_awesome_cookbook

Then I saved the test, made some changes, and during the poll was able to trigger off both expected failed and expected passing tests. Very cool indeed!

Written by Leif Madsen

2012/06/26 at 7:51 am

Posted in DevOps

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.bashrc trick for git repo and branch information

The other day I was talking to my friend Russell Bryant who pointed me to some .bashrc magic that would show me which branch I was currently working with inside a git repo on my system. I found it incredibly handy and have modified the ANSI colour coding slightly.

export PS1='[\u@\h \[33[0;36m\]\W$(__git_ps1 "\[33[0m\]\[33[0;33m\](%s)")\[33[0m\]]\$ '

On Fedora Russell mentioned that you need the bash-completion installed. We’re unsure if you need anything on other distributions.

Edit: January 6, 2012
As I’m using my laptop today, I modified the .bashrc file on Ubuntu 10.04, and here is the PS1 code I came up with. It’s nearly the same, but I’m using bold today instead of the unbolded colours of lore.

PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[28;01m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[1;36m\]\W$(__git_ps1 "\[\033[00m\]\[\033[1;33m\](%s)")\[\033[00m\]\$ '

Written by Leif Madsen

2011/12/22 at 9:39 am

Posted in Technology, Useful Tools

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